SEO is a long term online marketing tool!

Covid-19 forced social distancing in most areas fo North America, Ney York, Ontario, and other important states or provinces had government orders to shut down all non-essential businesses.
So most local businesses that had some digital marketing running decided to stop it, sometimes just because they didn’t want to keep spending as they would not be able to get immediate returns from the investment.

But when we are talking about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) we should be a little more careful about it. When you invest in SEO the results are long term. It usually takes more than 3 months to start getting results from the search engine optimization tactics. To shut down the SEO because of the pandemic can be more hurtful than to keep it running.

If you start losing organic traffic ranking for fewer keywords. When you restart it you will have to do all the work again. Every lost backlink will likely need to be regained. The cost can be higher than the cost of maintaining it.

Also, you can be losing an opportunity to grow and beat your competition. The same way most businesses stopped their investments on SEO that could happen with your competitors and if you keep investing your money or time on SEO it may be the time you will surpass that competitor online.

Organic traffic graphic

As you can see on the graphic here 3 different companies 2 of them decided to keep working with SEO one no. Even though they are not competitors (we don’t work with direct competitors)  it is possible to see that the first 2 gained ground in organic traffic while the 3rd one lost.

I get it but I don’t have money to keep the SEO.

If you can’t keep paying for SEO and your agency didn’t help you out with some discounted price or something. We suggest you keep creating some content, writing on other websites, try to get links pointing to your website.

Reach out to blogs and websites that post about your business category or industry. At least one thing you will have more during the lockdown. Time, so take that time to keep your site optimized, reach out to us if you need an SEO consultation or any other SEO service.

Also don’t miss the opportunity to request a FREE website analysis so you can take a look at how your website is and how you can improve it.

Free SEO Backlinks